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MD5, Size, PUP Version, Description & Link ... 46541c4f97604068c05e363412478df5, 185.25MB, 3.55.4 REBUG RE, REBUG 3.55.4 REX EDITION ... REBUG 4.41.3 D-REX [same as REX Edition but only installs on REAL DEX consoles].. REBUG 3.55.4 REX PS3UPDAT.PUP.. Isto ir? degradar seu ps3 de 4.xx para Rebug 3.55.4 REX Edition. ... 4- No seu pendrive USB, v? para PS3 / UPDATE / e mudar a 3,55 PUP ao 4,21 PUP.. ?????? ? ???? ?? REBUG 3.55.4 999 ... PUP 2 ??????????????? ??? PS3UPDAT.PUP ? ?????? ? ????? X:/PS3/UPDATE/ (??? x:/ - ???? .... 4th: Rename the Rebug pup as PS3UPDAT.PUP, and place it on your USB drive (or MS) in (Drive Letter):/PS3/UPDATE/ (backup your OFW .... REBUG 3.55.4 REX PS3UPDAT.PUPgolkes >>>. ******************** ...,.download.REBUG.,.. REBUG Jailbreaks. Rebug v999 [3.55.4] Downgrader ... PUP. Rebug 3.55.4 REX Edition ... .... ??????? Rebug ????????? ???? ???????? REBUG 4.85.1 Lite Cobra ... ????? ?????? ???????? REX/D-REX ? ???? ???? ?? ??????????? ...
Rebug 4.75.3 Cobra REX EDITION from (not D-REX unless you"re on ... Your path structure should look like this: PS3 > UPDATE > PS3UPDAT.PUP.. PS3UPDAT.PUP - This is the firmware file, that you use to update your console. PSL1GHT - Open Source Version of Sony ... Custom Firmware Attention All Noobs NO JAILBREAKdor 4.xx Firmwares! REBUG: 4.46 D-REX ... PUP 3.55.4 REX .... ... the downgrades pkg with multi man and find the rogero 3.55.4 pup to downgrade you ... Put the latest rebug update on a stick, rename it PS3UPDAT.PUP and make a folder on the root of the USB stick called PS3 and in that folder make ... Rex. D-rex is for dex consoles and rex works for both cex and dex.. Download the latest Rebug REX/D-REX from the link above, verify the md5 hash with @DEFAULTDNB"s PPC+, rename the PUP to PS3UPDAT .... REBUG CFW ARCHIVES (3.55/4.XX):. REBUG_4.84.1_REX_PS3UPDAT.PUP – 8b68282425665fd4453b8ae14839d876. REBUG 4.84.1 REX EDITION. Rebug 4.84.2 D-REX - Install over DEX firmware ... Rogero 9.99 Downgrader - 3.55 CFW with PUP spoofed to 9.99. Recommended to install .... REBUG 3.55.4 REX EDITION CFW CEX/DEX ... PUP" and put it on your USB in: "USB\PS3\UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP" While on any CFW .... sk??al som ten 999 downgrader dal som ho norm?lne na usb tak ako to m? by? PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP nakop?ruje my to s?ce do hhd no po resetovan? .... 8. REBUG 3.55.4 REX CFW.rar (185.3 ??) ... /ps3/image/shop/2014_0206_7642ee37fc0562115a544c7b094f8c15/PS3UPDAT.PUP?dest=ru.. Restoring rebug custom icons and images to default[edit] ... MD5: 46541c4f97604068c05e363412478df5 REBUG 3.55.4 REX EDITION [OK] .... add support CFW REBUG REX 4.78.x [only in normal mode/untested] ... Rename the file 3.55 DEX Downgrader to PS3UPDAT.PUP Plug USB .... REBUG 3.55.4 REX EDITION – JAN. 3RD 2013: ... PUP" and put it on your USB in: "USB\ PS3 \UPDATE\PS3UPDAT.PUP"; - Swap the current ...